Gian-Reto Plattner

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Mr. Gian-Reto Plattner

Swiss Socialist member of Council of Europe
Institut fuer Physik
4056 Basel
tel/fax 41 61 267 37 40

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Europ?sches Moratorium f? Xenotransplantationen ? (von St?derat Gian-Reto Plattner, Basel)

European parliamentarians Call for Moratorium on Xenotransplantation (January 29, 1999 STRASBOURG, COUNCIL OF EUROPE)

Xenotransplantation - Ringen um Regulierungen, Europa- oder gar weltweites Moratorium angestrebt (Neue Z?cher Zeitung vom 07.08.1998)

Introductory Memorandum on Xeno-transplantation (May 26, 1998, Rapporteur: Mr Gian-Reto Plattner, Switzerland, SOC)

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"Council of Europe"


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µ¿¹° Àå±â ÀÌ½Ä - Xenotransplantation on the Web. 1999 All rights reserved.
Last updated: 2004-01-13.

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