Jeffrey L. Platt, M.D.
Professor of Surgery, Immunology, and Pediatrics
Director, Transplantation Biology, Mayo Clinic
Xenotransplantation and Immunology
Cancer Center Research - Immunology Program
Division of Nephrology
Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine
Surgical Research
Transplantation Biology
Ph.D. Program in Basic Immunology
Published Materials
Xenotransplantation: Basic Research and Clinical
ISBN: 089603674X Humana Press, 1st edition, May 15, 2002, 270 pages
ISBN: 1555811671 Amer. Society for Microbiology, 1st
edition ,January 15, 2001, 298 pages
McCurry K., Kooyman D.L., Diamond L., Byrne G., Logan J. and J.L. Platt
(1995). "Transgenic expression of human complement regulatory proteins on mice
results in diminished complement disposition during organ xenoperfusion."
Transplantation. 27; 59(8): p. 1177-82.
McCurry K., Kooyman D.L., Alvarado C.G., Cotterell A.H., Martin M.J., Logan J.S.
and J.L. Platt (1995). "Human complement regulatory proteins protect swine to
primate cardiac xenografts from humoral injury." Nature Medicine. 1(5): p.
Byrne, G.W., McCurry, K.R., Martin, M.J., McClellen, S.M., Platt, J.L. and
J.S. Logan (1997). Transgenic pigs expressing human CD59 and DAF produce an
intrinsic barrier to complement mediated damage." Transplantation 15; 63(1): p.
Lin SS, Weidner BC, Byrne GW, Diamond LE, Lawson JH, Hoopes CW, Daniels LJ,
Daggett CW, Parker W, Harland RC, Davis RD, Bollinger RR, Logan JS, Platt JL.
(1998) The role of antibodies in acute vascular rejection of pig-to-baboon cardiac
transplants. J Clin Invest 15; 101(8): p. 1745-56.
Platt JL. (1998) New directions for organ transplantation. Nature 30;
392(6679 Suppl): p. 11-7.
Kalady MF, Lawson JH, Sorrell RD, Platt JL. (1998) Decreased fibrinolytic activity in
porcine-to-primate cardiac xenotransplantation. Mol Med. 4(9): p. 629-37.
Yu PB, Parker W, Everett ML, Fox IJ, Platt JL. (1999) Immunochemical
properties of anti-Gala-3Gal after sensitization. J Clin Immunol. 19(2): p.
Platt, JL., (1999) Prospects for xenotransplantation. [Review] Pediatr
Transplant. 3(3): p. 193-200.
Kanazawa, A. Platt, JL., (2000) Prospects for xenotransplantation of the liver [Review], Semin
Liver Dis 20(4): p. 511-22.
Lin, SS. Hanaway, MJ. Gonzalez-Stawinski, G. Lau, CL. Parker, W. Davis, RD.
Byrne, GW. Diamond, LE. Logan, JS. Platt, JL., (2000) The role of anti-Gal alpha 1-3Gal
antibodies in acute vascular rejection and accomodation of
xenografts, Transplantation 27; 70(12): p. 1667-74.
Platt, JL., (2000) "Xenoassistance devices" for the treatment of hepatic failure:
Challenges and controversies, Transplant Proc 32(8): p. 2693-5.
Platt, JL., (2000) Zoonosis in xenotransplantation, Transplant Proc 32(7): p.
Platt, JL., (2000) Physiologic barriers to xenotransplantation, Transplant Proc 32(7):
p. 1547-8.
Holzknecht, ZE. Coombes, S. Blocher, BA. Plummer, TB. Bustos, M. Lau, CL. Davis,
RD. Platt, JL., (2000) Evidence of immunocomplex formation in pulmonary
xenografts, Transplant Proc 32(5): p. 1141.
Holzknecht, ZE. Williams, JM. Plummer, TB. Platt, JL., (2000) Apoptosis in acute
vascular rejection of xenografts, Transplant Proc 32(5): p. 973.
Platt, JL., (2000) Xenotransplantation - New risks, new gains, Nature.
7;407(6800): p. 27, 29-30.
Kanai, N. Platt, JL., (2000) Xenotransplantation of the Liver.,Clinics in Liver
Disease. [Review] Clin Liver Dis. 4(3): p. 731-46, x-xi.
Lau, CL. Daggett, WC. Yeatman, MF. Chai, P. Lin, SS. Lodge, AJ. Chen, EP.
Diamond, LE. Byrne, GW. Logan, JS. Parker, W. Platt, JL. Davis, RD., (2000) The
role of antibodies in dysfunction of pig-to-baboon pulmonary transplants, J
Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 120(1): p. 29-38.
Nyberg, SL. Hibbs, JR. Hardin, JA. Germer, JJ. Platt, JL. Paya, CV. Wiesner, RH.,
(2000) Influence of human fulminant hepatic failure sera on endogenous retroviral
expression in pig hepatocytes, Liver Transpl. 6(1): p. 76-84.
Nagayasu, T. Saadi, S. Holzknecht, RA. Plummer, TB. Platt, JL., (2000) Expression of
tissue factor mRNA in cardiac xenografts - Clues to the pathogenesis of acute
vascular rejection, Transplantation. 27;69(4): p. 475-82.
Foley, DP. Collins, BR. Magee, JC. Platt, JL. Katz, E. Harland, RC. Meyers, WC.
Chari, RS., (2000) Bile acids in xenogeneic ex-vivo liver perfusion - Function of
xenoperfused livers and compatibility with human bile salts and porcine
livers, Transplantation. 27;69(2): p. 242-8.
Parker, W. Stitzenberg, KB. Yu, PB. Pratt, VSW. Nakamura, YC. Farel, LS. Ward,
CM. Lin, SS. Everett, ML. Platt, JL., (2001) Biophysical characteristics of anti-Gal
alpha 1-3Gal IgM binding to cell surfaces: Implications for xenotransplantation,
Transplantation 15;71(3): p. 440-6.
Holzknecht, ZE. Coombes, S. Blocher, BA. Plummer, TB. Bustos, M. Lau, CL. Davis,
RD. Platt, JL., (2001) Immune complex formation after xenotransplantation - Evidence of
type III as well as type II immune reactions provide clues to pathophysiology,
Am J Pathol. 158(2): p. 627-37.
Samstein, B. Platt, JL., (2001) Physiologic and immunologic hurdles to xenotransplantation
[Review], J Am Soc Nephrol. 12(1): p. 182-93.
Bustos M, Platt J L. (2001) The pathology of cardiac xenografts.
J Card Surg 16(5): p. 357-62
Platt JL. (2001) The immunological hurdles to cardiac
xenotransplantation. J Card Surg 16(6): p. 439-47
Platt JL, Ogle BM. (2002) Genetic therapies and
xenotransplantation. Expert Opin Biol Ther 2(3): p. 299-310
Platt JL.(2002) Knocking out xenograft rejection. Nat Biotechnol 20(3): p. 231-2