World Medical Association Regulations in Time of Armed
Adopted by the 10th World Medical Assembly Havana, Cuba, October 1956,
Edited by the 11th World Medical Assembly Istanbul, Turkey, October 1957
and Amended by the 35th World Medical Assembly Venice, Italy, October 1983
1. Medical Ethics in time of armed conflict is identical to medical ethics in
time of peace, as established in the International Code of Medical Ethics of the
World Medical Association. The primary obligation of the physician is his
professional duty; in performing his professional duty, the physician's supreme
guide is his conscience.
2. The primary task of the medical profession is to preserve health and safe
life. Hence it is deemed unethical for physicians to:
a. Give advice or perform prophylactic, diagnostic or therapeutic
procedures that are not justifiable in the patient's interest.
b. Weaken the physical or mental strength of a human being without
therapeutic justification.
c. Employ scientific knowledge to imperil health or destroy life.
3. Human experimentation in time of armed conflict is governed by the same
code as in time of peace; it is strictly forbidden on all persons deprived of
their liberty, especially civilian and military prisoners and the population of
occupied countries.
4. In emergencies, the physician must always give the required care impartially
and without consideration of sex, race, nationality, religion, political
affiliation or any other similar criterion. Such medical assistance must be
continued for as long as necessary and practicable.
5. Medical confidentiality must be preserved by the physician in the practice of
his profession.
6. Privileges and facilities afforded to the physician must never be used for
other than professional purposes.
1. Under all circumstances, every person, military or civilian must receive
promptly the care he needs without consideration of sex, race, nationality,
religion, political affiliation or any other similar criterion.
2. Any procedure detrimental to the health, physical or mental integrity of a
human being is forbidden unless therapeutically justifiable.
1. In emergencies, physicians and associated medical personnel are required
to render immediate service to the best of their ability. No distinction shall
be made between patients except those justified by medical urgency.
2. The members of medical and auxiliary professions must be granted the
protection needed to carry out their professional activities freely. The
assistance necessary should be given to them in fulfilling their
responsibilities. Free passage should be granted whenever their assistance is
required. They should be afforded complete professional independence.
3. The fulfillment of medical duties and responsibilities shall in no
circumstance be considered an offence. The physician must never be prosecuted
for observing professional confidentiality.
4. In fulfilling their professional duties, the medical and auxiliary
professions will be identified by the distinctive emblem of a red serpent and
staff on a white field. The use of this emblem is governed by special